
let no one have contempt for your youth but set an example for those who believe in speech, conduct,

 love, faith, purity 


Our Confirmation Preparation Program is open to all high school youth . Confirmation Candidate must be in at least 9th grade to begin the Confirmation Preparation Process. Through classes, retreats, small group discussions, service projects, and youth nights, young people will be able to recognize and understand the presence of the Holy Spirit in themselves and in His people, and will be able to identify themselves as active members of the Christian Community.


Happy Birthday to our great Volunteers


Past Confirmation 2022-2023


This year, we are blessed to have 135 young people confirmed at St. Columban Church on May 5th, 2023 by Bishop Thanh Thai Nguyen.  thank you for the prayers and loving support for our Confirmation students.  May they utilized the gifts of the Holy Spirit to be living witnesses of the Gospel.


The Greatest Thing

Amy Nguyen


When I was asked to help with the Confirmation program, I was hesitant because I have never taught catechism nor volunteered in any church activities.  But, I knew I had to say yes because this was the answer to my prayer.  God has blessed me abundantly and I have the responsibility to serve Him and give back.  I agreed to give it a try and asked the Holy Spirit to guide me.  With God’s grace, I survived my first year as a catechist and I am so glad that I did not turn down this opportunity. 

Silvia Nguyen


Hello fellow brothers and sisters something I would say is to just go for it if you have a question ask, and have fun because these two years will pass by really fast. Most important lesson I learned was not to complain and Just do as you should during this time because everything is helpers want is for you to grow not to waste your time so take it as a lesson or a memory in your lifetime as you only live once.

Ethan Nguyen


I chose to come back to serve this year because I wanted to help people learn how to build a stronger connection with the church. I really enjoyed my two years of confirmation and was really sad when we had to convert to online teaching during the 2020-2021 year. Even though last year was very challenging I was able to persevere and complete my confirmation journey and I would like to help future students do the same! Through this program I have not only created a stronger bond with the church, but also created many friends during my journey. My experience within the confirmation program is something that will never leave me and I hope others grow from this experience as well!


Office hours

Monday 10:00am-4:00pm
Wednesday 10:00am - 5:00pm
Friday: 12:00pm - 5:00pm
Sunday - 10:00pm-7:00pm

We are here

Phone: 714-534-1174 x304
Email:: admin@saintcolumbanym.org